Arizona Science Center announced it has broken the world Record for the largest object drop inertia experiment.

After Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest broke the record on air during a live broadcast of “LIVE with Kelly and Ryan” four years ago, The Center, located in downtown Phoenix at 600 E. Washington St., set out to attempt to break it.

On Oct. 19, during a designated field trip day at the Arizona State Fair, the Science Center set up an official attempt on the community stage to break the record. Center officials gathered more than 250 eggs across five, six-foot-long tables and smaller side tables, along with over 250 glasses filled with water, to catch all the eggs during the drop.

The Science Center, in conjunction with Valley students, was successful in conquering the World Record, effectively dropping 155 eggs safely in the water-filled cups. The previous record was 138.

In addition to breaking the record, Arizona Science Center has also partnered with Phoenix Rescue Mission’s Hope for Hunger Food Bank to donate all the eggs used in the experiment. The Science Center was meticulous in its treatment of each individual egg to ensure all food safety guidelines were followed including handling eggs with gloves, temperature-controlled storage, and more.

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