The temple is named after the Swarved, a spiritual text authored by Sadguru Shri Sadafal Deoji Maharaj, an eternal yogi and the founder of Vihangam Yoga.


The temple boasts a stunning design with 125-petal lotus domes and an impressive 20,000-seating capacity, making it one of the largest meditation centers in the world. Situated in the Umaraha area, approximately 12 km from the Varanasi city center, the Swarved Mahamandir covers an expansive area of 3,00,000 square feet.

The foundation of the Mahamandir was laid in 2004 by Sadguru Acharya Swantantra Dev and Sant Pravar Vigyan Dev. The construction involved the collaborative efforts of 600 workers and 15 engineers.

The temple features teakwood ceilings and doors with intricate carvings, along with 101 fountains. Verses of the Swarveda have been carved upon the walls of the Mahamandir — a seven-floor superstructure.

Pink sandstone decorates the walls, and a beautiful garden with medicinal herbs adds to the grandeur.

The temple promotes the teachings of Swarveda, emphasizing Brahm Vidya—a body of knowledge empowering spiritual seekers to maintain a state of consummate Zen, characterized by unwavering constancy in peace and happiness.

According to the hindustantimes