Among the 33 entries on the list, curated by Time Out’s editorial team from reader submissions to the Time Out Index survey, Wellington got top marks for its diverse bar and restaurant offerings and summertime pedestrianization, which transforms the busy commercial axis from an auto thoroughfare into a sprawling public patio.

Located in the heart of Montreal’s Verdun neighbourhood, “Wellington” (as it is affectionately known by locals) is constantly evolving. Promenade Wellington, the vibrant 1.3-km strip that is pedestrian-only from June to mid-September, is also home to over 250 businesses — from the city’s newest bagel shop (Wellington Bagels) to a next-level specialty beer store.

Wellington is also a constantly-bustling street throughout the season, offering everything from a free giant puppet festival in the summer to a maple syrup fest in the spring, and even a trendy evolving alleyway nook.

Every year, Time Out polls thousands of people across the globe to discover the coolest places to live, work and play. This year’s Time Out Index asked 20,000-plus city-dwellers which specific streets they think are the coolest.

According to timeout