The Body Life Skills series offers a simple, practical, user friendly and life changing 3-step process bringing about lasting behavior change. To create lasting behavior change we must be willing to identify the reason why the behavior is occurring.

All unwanted behaviors, words, thoughts or feelings expressed from any person’s body occur as a result of a person perceiving they do not have the required skills to respond to what life has presented to them at any given moment.

When a person feels they have the required skills to respond to what life is presenting, their body is more likely to express using wanted behaviors, words, thoughts and feelings.

Thus, the Body Life Skills Program is about supporting people to:

  • Identify when a body (oneself’s or another person’s) is reacting (using unwanted behaviors) in response to life (the reason for behavior).
  • Identify the reason: The part of life the person feels they do not have all the required skills to respond to.
  • Learn the skills so they feel equipped and ready to commit to partaking in life to their full capacity.

When implemented successfully, the Body Life Skills program will bring about positive and lasting change for individuals, families, groups, organizations and government departments working in the fields of behavior management, mental health, disability, justice, education and psychological well-being, even in cases when other attempts have failed.

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