Positive Action is a comprehensive educational program focused on teaching life skills to students from preschool to high school. The Positive Action program was created and first implemented in four school sites in Idaho from 1979–81. Positive Action, Inc. was founded in 1982. Since then, more than 11,000 schools in 2,500 school districts and 2,000 community groups and agencies in all 50 states have adopted the program.

Positive Action’s educational program is based on the socio-emotional learning philosophy that we feel good about ourselves when we perform positive actions. The goal of the program is to teach today’s youth about how they can apply life skills and learning to promote a healthy and positive cycle of thoughts, feelings, and actions in their everyday life.

Over the course of the school year, the six units in the Positive Action curriculum provide education on how to handle oneself in real-world situations using life skills. After learning about each life skill, such as creativity, honesty, time-management, and several others, students will have the tools they need to make the most out of life both inside the classroom and out.

Positive Action is an evidence-based life skills program, meaning that educators have seen tangible improvements among their students. This life skills curriculum has produced positive results, including:

  • 63% reduction in substance abuse
  • 28% reduction in absenteeism
  • 27% improvement in self-control
  • 22% improvement in self-concept
  • 21% improvement in physical health
  • 23% improvement in total development

Compared to other life skills programs, Positive Action offers the most content with over 1800 lessons, meets the most standards, and offers the most training and support resources. Overall, Positive Action has earned a reputation as the most cost-effective training program.

According to positiveaction.net