Marseille is one of the oldest cities in Europe and the second largest city in France. Located peacefully on the blue waters of the Mediterranean region, most of the seasons in Marseille are sunny days, and the weather and climate are relatively stable and pleasant.

The seaport is considered the heart of the city of Marseille. This is the pride of every city dweller. The atmosphere at the seaport is always noisy, bustling, and busy with markets selling all kinds of different goods. Anyone who sets foot in Calanques Bay is captivated by its amazing beauty. The seawater here is clear blue. Surrounding the bay is a majestic, white limestone mountain range.

Le Panier is Marseille’s oldest quarter, dating back to antiquity when the ancient Greeks settled here in 600 BC. Splendidly perched on a hillside above the Vieux port, this colorful neighborhood is the historic and cultural center of Marseille. Along both sides of the road are cute little grocery stores selling soap and dried lavender, and second-hand bookstores.

The Church of Notre Dame de la Garde is located on a hilltop of the city. With ancient architecture located on a hill nearly 162m high, you will go through 172 steps to reach the churchyard. Here you can enjoy a panoramic view of the beautiful city of Marseille.

Marseille is also famous for its special dishes. Bouillabaisse is one of the best-rated seafood soups in the world. Roquefort is a very famous cheese made from sheep’s milk in Marseille. This cheese is white and slightly moist, soft, and very aromatic. In particular, it has veins that make it easy to mistake it for green mold. Ratatouille is the famous cuisine of the city of Marseille and is also the name of a famous French cartoon.

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