The ancient town of Lunenburg in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada, is located peacefully on the Atlantic coast of North America. Lunenburg has a long history, having been founded in 1753. The town’s name is in honor of King George II of England.

After nearly 3 centuries, Lunenburg still retains its ancient beauty with unique architecture. Thanks to the very good conservation policy of the government and that is also the reason why Lunenburg became a UNESCO world heritage site in 1995.

English-style houses are made of wood and painted with typical striking colors such as brilliant red, bright blue, or striking yellow, and steeply sloping tiled roofs. Looking out from the port of Lunenburg you will see a beautiful scene just like the picture, with colorful roofs mixed with sailboats bobbing on the water.

Lighthouses are also a special feature adorning the beauty of the old town of Lunenburg. Most of these lighthouses were built a long time ago, going through history, filled with the old colors of the time.

Lunenburg is also very famous for its unique and unique music and festivals. In addition, the community’s traditional market is also often open and you will enjoy the best foods from the locals. Seafood in Lunenburg will surely satisfy visitors, especially the famous lobster dish, or seafood pizza. It is a fantastic way to enjoy dinner than delicious Canadian food and a beautiful harbor view.

According to the Internet