The Yarrangobilly Caves are a system of limestone caves located in the Kosciuszko National Park in New South Wales, Australia. The caves were formed over millions of years by the action of water and are home to various stunning formations, including stalactites, stalagmites, and flowstones.

The limestone that the caves are made of was deposited in the ocean millions of years ago. Over time, the limestone was uplifted and exposed to the elements. Rainwater and groundwater began to seep through the limestone, dissolving it and creating caves. The water that flows through the caves is slightly acidic, which helps to dissolve the limestone. The rate at which the limestone dissolves depends on a number of factors, including the acidity of the water, the amount of water that flows through the cave, and the temperature of the water.

The Yarrangobilly Caves are open to the public for tours. There are six caves that are open for tours, each with its own unique features. The largest cave is the South Glory Cave, which is over 100 meters long and has a number of impressive formations.

Other caves feature different beauty aspects of the Yarrangobilly Caves system. Jersey cave is known for its delicate formations, including cave coral and draperies. Jillabenan cave is wheelchair-accessible and is a good option for families with young children. Castle cave is named for its towering stalagmites and stalactites. Harrie Wood cave is home to a number of rare and endangered cave-dwelling animals. And North Glory cave is only accessible by a challenging hike.

The Yarrangobilly Caves are a beautiful and unique example of the power of nature. The formations in the caves are a testament to the millions of years of water erosion that have created them.

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