The Egerszalók travertine is a spectacular natural wonder located in Heves County, Hungary. It is a large mound of travertine, a type of limestone formed by the precipitation of calcium carbonate from hot springs. The mound is covered in a series of terraces and pools. The springs yield 68 °C. mineral water from an aquifer located under the volcanic Mátra Mountains.

The Egerszalók travertine is a white, creamy-colored, and porous rock that has been deposited by thermal springs over thousands of years. It has a unique and beautiful appearance, with cascading waterfalls, terraced pools, and stalagmite-like formations. The water in the pools is crystal clear and has a turquoise hue, which is caused by the minerals dissolved in it.

The travertine mound at Egerszalók is the largest in Europe, and it is one of Hungary’s most popular tourist destinations. Visitors can bathe in the thermal pools, hike through the surrounding vineyards, and enjoy the stunning views of the Bükk Mountains.

In addition to its white color, Egerszalók travertine is also known for its unique texture. The surface of the travertine is slightly pitted and uneven, which gives it a distinctive feel. The travertine is also very soft to the touch, and it is often described as feeling like a natural sponge.

Overall, the appearance of Egerszalók travertine is truly unique and breathtaking. The white, cascading terraces, the crystal-clear water, and the unique texture of the travertine all combine to create a truly magical place.

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