The Golola Rhino Orphanage and Rehabilitation Centre (The Rhino Orphanage) is the world’s first Non-Profit Organization dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of rhino calves orphaned by poaching. The orphanage is located in Limpopo Province, South Africa.

The Rhino Orphanage’s Missions is to rescue orphaned and injured rhino calves, rehabilitate and return rhino to the wild, raise awareness for rhino conservation and communicate the work of The Rhino Orphanage, and to raise funds for day-to-day operations

The Rhino Orphanage educates the public against poaching. The Rhino Orphanage forms part of the rapid intervention and coordinated rescue response network where the appropriate handling, rearing, and rehabilitation protocols are implemented, crucial to ensuring that the rhino orphans are rescued successfully, humanely, and responsibly. At the Orphanage animals are reared in such a manner as to ensure their full rehabilitation and return to the wild.

In July 2013, The Rhino Orphanage received the world’s first bespoke rhino ambulance. The ambulance is equipped with a trailer to carry vital equipment into the bush and a specialized transporter to carry injured rhino calves back to the orphanage where they receive 24-hour medical attention.