Seoul, the bustling capital of South Korea, is at the forefront of innovation once again with the launch of the Shimya (Late Night) A21, the world’s first late-night self-driving bus. This groundbreaking technology promises to revolutionize transportation for shift workers, night owls, and anyone who needs a safe and reliable ride home after dark.

The A21 will run on the central bus lane spanning 9.8 km between the subway stations of Hapjeong and Dongdaemun, both of which have many people traveling late at night due to their concentrations of colleges and large shopping areas. The stops are the same as those of regular city buses.

The two buses run on weekdays from 11:30 p.m. to 5:10 a.m., providing a much-needed service for people who work late or enjoy nightlife activities. This period often sees reduced public transportation options, making it difficult and inconvenient for people to get around. The self-driving bus fills this gap, offering a safe and efficient alternative to taxis or private cars.

The buses are free to ride but passengers must use their transportation smart cards to get transit transfer discounts.

According to the Internet