Vale da Lua, or Moon Valley, is a stunning rock formation located in the state of Goias, Brazil. The valley is situated at the end of a breathtaking hike through the cerrado, a type of savanna, on private property near Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park. It’s a nature’s own water park with dazzling cascades, pools, and water slides, and popular for swimming and hiking.

The valley got its name from the rocks smoothened by the river and lava flows over millennia, giving it a unique lunar-like appearance. The smooth rocks give Vale da Lua its signature look and feel as if stepping out on alien terrain. It took millions of years for the waters of Rio Sao Miguel to sculpt these rocks into the gorgeous formations we see today. The greyish-blackish hue of the stones contrasts vividly with the valley’s lush green.

The river itself brims with rock containing an abundance of quartz that splits the sunlight into a rainbow and makes the experience that much more bedazzling. Adventurers often cite feelings of mystery and adventure upon gazing at the smoothness of the rocks and the emerald waters. These incredible sights are what make the trek to Moon Valley feel like a journey into space.

Located in the Brazilian Highlands, it is considered one of the oldest rock formations on the planet. The peculiar rock formations have been formed by millions of years of weathering and erosion by the river, San Miguel. Gradually, the water has rubbed particles of sand across the surface of these huge rocks. The constant friction has caused huge craters to erupt across the landscape and thus giving it its signature Moon Valley appearance.

The shallow pools have been carved into the volcanic rock over millions of years. These natural swimming pools offer a cool refuge from the sweltering sun. The river San Miguel waters these pools and keeps them fresh all year round. Visitors often enjoy taking a dip or just lounging in these pools to ward off the sun’s intense heat.

According to unusualplace