As Lake Urmia is a saltwater lake, it has extensive salt flats surrounding its shores. These flats create a unique and otherworldly landscape, often appearing white or pink due to the salt deposits.

Along the shores of Lake Urmia, there are wetlands and marshes that serve as important habitats for migratory birds and other wildlife. These wetlands are rich in biodiversity and provide crucial breeding grounds for many species.

The lake is bordered by several mountain ranges, including the Zagros Mountains to the west and the Sabalan Mountains to the east. These mountains provide a dramatic backdrop to the lake and offer opportunities for hiking and exploring.

Within Lake Urmia, there are several islands, some of which are volcanic in origin. These islands add to the scenic beauty of the lake and provide habitats for nesting birds and other wildlife.

The landscape of Lake Urmia offers a unique blend of salt flats, mountains, wetlands, and islands, creating a visually stunning and ecologically diverse environment. However, the lake’s ecosystem is currently under threat due to environmental challenges, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts to preserve this natural wonder.

According to the Internet