Paint Mines Interpretive Park is a 330-hectare natural area in Colorado, with particular rock formations, similar to pinnacles (hoodoos, also called fairy chimneys) full of varying colors and looks hand-painted. Here in past centuries, the native tribes came to take the red, orange, yellow, purple, and gray clay powders that they used as paint.

Although in the United States, there are other parks where you can admire the so-called hoodoos, especially Bryce Canyon, but also Cedar Breaks, Toadstools, and Goblin Valley, it is truly rare to meet such a variety of colors. This spectrum of colors seems to be due to compounds of oxidized iron, present in varying amounts in the different layers of clay.

The site, in addition to being a veritable treasure trove of geological wonders, is also considered important from a historical point of view, as it attests to traces of human activity that date back as far as the Paleoindian era (7000 BC).

In an effort to preserve the beauty of the Paint Mines and to prevent unnecessary erosion, the El Paso County Park Operations implores visitors to stay off formations and leave their pets at home. More information about the park, including a detailed map and an informational flyer pertaining to natural history, geology, and ecology, can be found on their website.

According to the Internet/ travelinusa