The New Caledonian giant gecko (Rhacodactylus leachianus), also known as the Leach’s giant gecko, is native to New Caledonia, an archipelago in the southwestern Pacific Ocean.

The New Caledonian giant gecko is the largest extant gecko in the world and is considered an example of island gigantism. R. leachianus of the Grande Terre localities can grow 360–430 mm long, with a weight range between 250 and 500 grams. R. leachianus of the Insular localities can grow 230–300 mm long, and weighting between 150 and 300 grams.

It has a heavy body, loose skin, and a small, stumpy tail. It is variable in color, coming in shades of mottled green, gray, and brown, sometimes with highlights of white, orange, and pink. It was only exceeded in size by the now-extinct Gigarcanum delcourti known from a single specimen 50% longer and probably several times heavier than the largest R. leachianus specimens, which also originated from New Caledonia.

The New Caledonian giant gecko is an arboreal species; it is primarily nocturnal and remains hidden in tree hollows during the day. it has a diet that includes insects, spiders, small vertebrates, fruit, nectar, and sap.

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