A naviduct is a special class of navigable aqueduct, in which the waterway also includes a lock. One example of a naviduct has been built at Enkhuizen on the Houtribdijk in the Netherlands on the instructions of the Rijkswaterstaat.

The Krabbersgat Naviduct is the world’s only naviduct. The Krabbersgat Naviduct is located in the Netherlands, in the province of Flevoland. It was opened in 2003 and allows road traffic to pass under a sluice that connects the Markermeer and IJsselmeer lakes.

The Krabbersgat Naviduct has a lock because the water levels in the Markermeer and IJsselmeer lakes are not always the same. This is due to a number of factors, including wind, rain, and evaporation. The lock allows the water levels to be equalized, so that boats can safely pass through the naviduct.

The Krabbersgat Naviduct is a unique engineering feat. It is a safe and efficient way to allow road traffic to cross a waterway without disrupting water traffic. It is also a popular tourist attraction.

According to the Internet